Tarot and support for your unfolding experience

I believe that we humans are part of a Mystery.

Though we may never fully understand this Mystery, I think we can become more conscious of our own place and piece within it-which can allow us to navigate with more clarity, grace, and wisdom.

My tarot readings aim to assist the querent to better understand and own their own perceptions and experiences.


Some info about sessions

My approach to readings

Rather than using tarot as a fortune-telling device, my readings tend to give an overview of your present life circumstances. This often includes your current projections (dreams, hopes, and fears) about the future.

My hope is that you come out of your reading feeling like you have more insight and resources for navigating your life at present, as well as your future!

Important points

I don't read for anyone under the age of 18 without a legal guardian present.

Readings with me are not a substitute for getting professional help. My readings are in support of one's existential inquiry, but I am not a therapist.

If you’re experiencing an acute crisis and/or are having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 if you’re in the United States. For a listing of international Suicide Hotlines, please visit www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines



Sessions can run anywhere between 15-120 minutes, though the session time is specific to each querent. The general idea is to end when a sense of closure has been reached.

My readings are donation based, with a suggested range of $1-$150. Any financial contribution is greatly appreciated, though no one is turned away for lack of funds at this time.

Donations can be made in cash, or electronically with the following apps:

Venmo: MichaelRork-Maiellano

PayPal: rorkenstein86@gmail.com